



O2PLS分析可以分为以下三个步骤: 1 交叉验证 2 拟合模型 3 对模型结果进行可视化

Step1 交叉验证




Elapsed time: 4.78 sec
Minimal 5-CV error is at ax=2 ay=2 a=2
Minimum MSE is 32.58322

Step2 拟合模型




*** Summary of the O2PLS fit ***

- Call: o2m(X = traScaled, Y = metScaled, n = triple["n"], nx = triple["nx"], ny = triple["ny"])

- Modeled variation
-- Total variation:
in X: 234864.8
in Y: 57584.71

-- Joint, Orthogonal and Noise as proportions:

data X data Y
Joint 0.365 0.396
Orthogonal 0.409 0.531
Noise 0.225 0.073

-- Predictable variation in Y-joint part by X-joint part:
Variation in T*B_T relative to U: 0.59
-- Predictable variation in X-joint part by Y-joint part:
Variation in U*B_U relative to T: 0.682

-- Variances per component:

Comp 1 Comp 2
X joint 46894.24 38906.41
Y joint 15298.96 7480.73

Comp 1 Comp 2
X Orth 46725.18 49390.84

Comp 1 Comp 2
Y Orth 9777.589 20680.72

- Coefficient in 'U = T B_T + H_U' model:
-- Diagonal elements of B_T =
0.417 0.418

Step3 模型结果可视化



Total Graph  


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