$ARGS character(0) $transAnnotationfile [1] "/var/www/cloud_workdir/pipelines/976/trancriptomics_and_metabolomics_kD8XhvoWpxhRCcn2ekesMu/one_stepNeA8VjPhyuR6BUFqNJdTMk_result/Report/customer_files/04_共富集分析/enrich_ora_gene.tsv" $metabAnnotationfile [1] "/var/www/cloud_workdir/pipelines/976/trancriptomics_and_metabolomics_kD8XhvoWpxhRCcn2ekesMu/one_stepNeA8VjPhyuR6BUFqNJdTMk_result/Report/customer_files/04_共富集分析/enrich_ora_cpd.tsv" $method [1] "ORA" $combinationFunction [1] "Fisher" $term2namePath [1] "/home/bayegy/pipelines/microking/task/pipelibs/transcriptomics_and_metabolomics/test_data2/term2name.tsv" $pThreshold [1] "0.05" $colors [1] "Transcriptome:white\tMetabolosome:black" $out_dir [1] "/var/www/cloud_workdir/pipelines/976/trancriptomics_and_metabolomics_kD8XhvoWpxhRCcn2ekesMu/one_stepNeA8VjPhyuR6BUFqNJdTMk_result/Report/customer_files/04_共富集分析" ID 1 hsa02010 2 hsa04210 3 hsa04514 4 hsa03410 5 hsa00520 6 hsa04120 7 hsa04932 8 hsa01521 9 hsa04613 10 hsa05130 11 hsa05210 12 hsa04666 13 hsa00120 14 hsa04931 15 hsa04668 16 hsa05132 17 hsa00532 18 hsa04722 19 hsa04919 20 hsa04926 21 hsa04068 22 hsa00563 23 hsa05135 24 hsa04371 25 hsa05418 26 hsa01523 27 hsa05224 28 hsa04215 29 hsa05226 30 hsa05160 31 hsa01250 32 hsa04140 33 hsa05225 34 hsa04973 35 hsa04621 36 hsa05034 37 hsa05169 38 hsa05203 39 hsa04923 40 hsa05213 41 hsa04370 42 hsa05170 43 hsa05417 44 hsa04213 45 hsa03250 46 hsa04929 47 hsa04024 48 hsa05221 49 hsa04810 50 hsa04664 51 hsa05211 52 hsa04917 53 hsa04920 54 hsa05230 55 hsa04622 56 hsa05218 57 hsa05223 58 hsa01524 59 hsa03320 60 hsa05214 61 hsa05212 62 hsa05220 63 hsa05131 64 hsa05100 65 hsa04144 66 hsa04146 67 hsa04662 68 hsa05412 69 hsa04012 70 hsa04742 71 hsa04211 72 hsa05235 73 hsa05222 74 hsa04520 75 hsa05215 76 hsa01522 77 hsa05231 78 hsa04933 79 hsa04914 80 hsa05142 81 hsa04137 82 hsa04625 83 hsa04922 84 hsa03013 85 hsa04620 86 hsa04066 87 hsa05206 88 hsa05145 89 hsa04725 90 hsa04670 91 hsa04935 92 hsa04071 93 hsa04152 94 hsa04660 95 hsa04611 96 hsa04142 97 hsa04728 98 hsa04380 99 hsa04910 100 hsa04915 101 hsa05162 102 hsa04151 103 hsa04936 104 hsa05014 105 hsa04550 106 hsa05017 107 hsa04072 108 hsa04261 109 hsa05010 110 hsa04148 111 hsa04150 112 hsa04218 113 hsa04217 114 hsa05161 115 hsa04022 116 hsa04630 117 hsa04530 118 hsa05164 119 hsa04310 120 hsa05152 121 hsa04062 122 hsa05167 123 hsa04510 124 hsa05415 125 hsa05205 126 hsa04015 127 hsa05207 128 hsa05022 129 hsa03040 130 hsa05166 131 hsa05208 132 hsa05163 133 hsa04014 134 hsa04010 135 hsa05165 136 hsa04080 Description 1 ABC transporters 2 Apoptosis 3 Cell adhesion molecules 4 Base excision repair 5 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism 6 Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis 7 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 8 EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance 9 Neutrophil extracellular trap formation 10 Pathogenic Escherichia coli infection 11 Colorectal cancer 12 Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis 13 Primary bile acid biosynthesis 14 Insulin resistance 15 TNF signaling pathway 16 Salmonella infection 17 Glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis - chondroitin sulfate / dermatan sulfate 18 Neurotrophin signaling pathway 19 Thyroid hormone signaling pathway 20 Relaxin signaling pathway 21 FoxO signaling pathway 22 Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor biosynthesis 23 Yersinia infection 24 Apelin signaling pathway 25 Fluid shear stress and atherosclerosis 26 Antifolate resistance 27 Breast cancer 28 Apoptosis - multiple species 29 Gastric cancer 30 Hepatitis C 31 Biosynthesis of nucleotide sugars 32 Autophagy - animal 33 Hepatocellular carcinoma 34 Carbohydrate digestion and absorption 35 NOD-like receptor signaling pathway 36 Alcoholism 37 Epstein-Barr virus infection 38 Viral carcinogenesis 39 Regulation of lipolysis in adipocytes 40 Endometrial cancer 41 VEGF signaling pathway 42 Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection 43 Lipid and atherosclerosis 44 Longevity regulating pathway - multiple species 45 Viral life cycle - HIV-1 46 GnRH secretion 47 cAMP signaling pathway 48 Acute myeloid leukemia 49 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton 50 Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway 51 Renal cell carcinoma 52 Prolactin signaling pathway 53 Adipocytokine signaling pathway 54 Central carbon metabolism in cancer 55 RIG-I-like receptor signaling pathway 56 Melanoma 57 Non-small cell lung cancer 58 Platinum drug resistance 59 PPAR signaling pathway 60 Glioma 61 Pancreatic cancer 62 Chronic myeloid leukemia 63 Shigellosis 64 Bacterial invasion of epithelial cells 65 Endocytosis 66 Peroxisome 67 B cell receptor signaling pathway 68 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy 69 ErbB signaling pathway 70 Taste transduction 71 Longevity regulating pathway 72 PD-L1 expression and PD-1 checkpoint pathway in cancer 73 Small cell lung cancer 74 Adherens junction 75 Prostate cancer 76 Endocrine resistance 77 Choline metabolism in cancer 78 AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications 79 Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation 80 Chagas disease 81 Mitophagy - animal 82 C-type lectin receptor signaling pathway 83 Glucagon signaling pathway 84 Nucleocytoplasmic transport 85 Toll-like receptor signaling pathway 86 HIF-1 signaling pathway 87 MicroRNAs in cancer 88 Toxoplasmosis 89 Cholinergic synapse 90 Leukocyte transendothelial migration 91 Growth hormone synthesis, secretion and action 92 Sphingolipid signaling pathway 93 AMPK signaling pathway 94 T cell receptor signaling pathway 95 Platelet activation 96 Lysosome 97 Dopaminergic synapse 98 Osteoclast differentiation 99 Insulin signaling pathway 100 Estrogen signaling pathway 101 Measles 102 PI3K-Akt signaling pathway 103 Alcoholic liver disease 104 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 105 Signaling pathways regulating pluripotency of stem cells 106 Spinocerebellar ataxia 107 Phospholipase D signaling pathway 108 Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes 109 Alzheimer disease 110 Efferocytosis 111 mTOR signaling pathway 112 Cellular senescence 113 Necroptosis 114 Hepatitis B 115 cGMP-PKG signaling pathway 116 JAK-STAT signaling pathway 117 Tight junction 118 Influenza A 119 Wnt signaling pathway 120 Tuberculosis 121 Chemokine signaling pathway 122 Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection 123 Focal adhesion 124 Diabetic cardiomyopathy 125 Proteoglycans in cancer 126 Rap1 signaling pathway 127 Chemical carcinogenesis - receptor activation 128 Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases 129 Spliceosome 130 Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 infection 131 Chemical carcinogenesis - reactive oxygen species 132 Human cytomegalovirus infection 133 Ras signaling pathway 134 MAPK signaling pathway 135 Human papillomavirus infection 136 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue geneID 1 3/36 45/8661 0.0008301752 0.1129038 0.1092336 10057/10058/10060 2 4/36 136/8661 0.0023205990 0.1578007 0.1526710 10000/10018/10038/10039 3 4/36 157/8661 0.0038974222 0.1766831 0.1709396 1000/1001/1002/1003 4 2/36 44/8661 0.0142431555 0.4705881 0.4552904 10038/10039 5 2/36 49/8661 0.0174780441 0.4705881 0.4552904 10007/10020 6 3/36 142/8661 0.0207612405 0.4705881 0.4552904 10054/10055/10075 7 3/36 155/8661 0.0260774199 0.5066470 0.4901771 10000/10018/10062 8 2/36 79/8661 0.0423793029 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10018 9 3/36 191/8661 0.0442680776 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10013/10014 10 3/36 198/8661 0.0483863242 0.5749988 0.5563069 10006/10061/10092 11 2/36 86/8661 0.0493790372 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10018 12 2/36 97/8661 0.0611547622 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10092 13 1/36 17/8661 0.0684211779 0.5749988 0.5563069 10005 14 2/36 108/8661 0.0737894020 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10062 15 2/36 114/8661 0.0810084866 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10059 16 3/36 249/8661 0.0837463608 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10006/10092 17 1/36 21/8661 0.0838462863 0.5749988 0.5563069 10090 18 2/36 119/8661 0.0871870677 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10019 19 2/36 121/8661 0.0896978974 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10025 20 2/36 129/8661 0.0999535199 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10022 21 2/36 131/8661 0.1025680060 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10018 22 1/36 26/8661 0.1027787754 0.5749988 0.5563069 10026 23 2/36 137/8661 0.1105251017 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10092 24 2/36 139/8661 0.1132137769 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10014 25 2/36 139/8661 0.1132137769 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/1003 26 1/36 30/8661 0.1176503797 0.5749988 0.5563069 10057 27 2/36 147/8661 0.1241378400 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10023 28 1/36 32/8661 0.1249960346 0.5749988 0.5563069 10018 29 2/36 149/8661 0.1269089778 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10023 30 2/36 158/8661 0.1395609088 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10062 31 1/36 37/8661 0.1431010199 0.5749988 0.5563069 10020 32 2/36 165/8661 0.1495897507 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10010 33 2/36 168/8661 0.1539336005 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10023 34 1/36 47/8661 0.1782248606 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 35 2/36 186/8661 0.1804914388 0.5749988 0.5563069 10010/10059 36 2/36 188/8661 0.1834878925 0.5749988 0.5563069 10013/10014 37 2/36 202/8661 0.2046657777 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10018 38 2/36 204/8661 0.2077164200 0.5749988 0.5563069 10013/10014 39 1/36 58/8661 0.2152446756 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 40 1/36 58/8661 0.2152446756 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 41 1/36 59/8661 0.2185285523 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 42 2/36 212/8661 0.2199702015 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10053 43 2/36 215/8661 0.2245839712 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10010 44 1/36 61/8661 0.2250562741 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 45 1/36 63/8661 0.2315309714 0.5749988 0.5563069 10015 46 1/36 64/8661 0.2347485668 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 47 2/36 225/8661 0.2400210832 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10021 48 1/36 67/8661 0.2443229634 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 49 2/36 229/8661 0.2462157341 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10092 50 1/36 68/8661 0.2474884711 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 51 1/36 69/8661 0.2506410854 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 52 1/36 70/8661 0.2537808574 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 53 1/36 70/8661 0.2537808574 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 54 1/36 70/8661 0.2537808574 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 55 1/36 71/8661 0.2569078379 0.5749988 0.5563069 10010 56 1/36 72/8661 0.2600220774 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 57 1/36 72/8661 0.2600220774 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 58 1/36 73/8661 0.2631236265 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 59 1/36 75/8661 0.2692888541 0.5749988 0.5563069 10062 60 1/36 75/8661 0.2692888541 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 61 1/36 76/8661 0.2723526325 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 62 1/36 76/8661 0.2723526325 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 63 2/36 247/8661 0.2741677928 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000/10092 64 1/36 77/8661 0.2754039202 0.5749988 0.5563069 10092 65 2/36 250/8661 0.2788311492 0.5749988 0.5563069 10015/10092 66 1/36 83/8661 0.2934521002 0.5749988 0.5563069 10005 67 1/36 84/8661 0.2964173281 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 68 1/36 84/8661 0.2964173281 0.5749988 0.5563069 1000 69 1/36 85/8661 0.2993704558 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 70 1/36 86/8661 0.3023115313 0.5749988 0.5563069 10021 71 1/36 89/8661 0.3110629217 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 72 1/36 89/8661 0.3110629217 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 73 1/36 92/8661 0.3197075519 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 74 1/36 93/8661 0.3225655899 0.5749988 0.5563069 1003 75 1/36 97/8661 0.3338814547 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 76 1/36 98/8661 0.3366815794 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 77 1/36 98/8661 0.3366815794 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 78 1/36 100/8661 0.3422475389 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 79 1/36 102/8661 0.3477680807 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 80 1/36 102/8661 0.3477680807 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 81 1/36 103/8661 0.3505114326 0.5749988 0.5563069 10075 82 1/36 104/8661 0.3532435649 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 83 1/36 107/8661 0.3613730892 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 84 1/36 108/8661 0.3640607873 0.5749988 0.5563069 10073 85 1/36 108/8661 0.3640607873 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 86 1/36 109/8661 0.3667374868 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 87 2/36 310/8661 0.3711524797 0.5749988 0.5563069 10014/10018 88 1/36 111/8661 0.3720580655 0.5749988 0.5563069 10000 89 1/36 113/8661 0.3773351731 0.5758526 0.5571329 10000 90 1/36 115/8661 0.3825691546 0.5758526 0.5571329 1003 91 1/36 120/8661 0.3954676730 0.5758526 0.5571329 10000 92 1/36 121/8661 0.3980157544 0.5758526 0.5571329 10000 93 1/36 121/8661 0.3980157544 0.5758526 0.5571329 10000 94 1/36 121/8661 0.3980157544 0.5758526 0.5571329 10000 95 1/36 124/8661 0.4055975072 0.5792878 0.5604564 10000 96 1/36 132/8661 0.4253644841 0.5792878 0.5604564 10053 97 1/36 132/8661 0.4253644841 0.5792878 0.5604564 10000 98 1/36 135/8661 0.4326110862 0.5792878 0.5604564 10000 99 1/36 137/8661 0.4373927120 0.5792878 0.5604564 10000 100 1/36 137/8661 0.4373927120 0.5792878 0.5604564 10000 101 1/36 138/8661 0.4397688104 0.5792878 0.5604564 10000 102 2/36 359/8661 0.4433752820 0.5792878 0.5604564 10000/10018 103 1/36 142/8661 0.4491760170 0.5792878 0.5604564 10000 104 2/36 364/8661 0.4505121575 0.5792878 0.5604564 10010/10013 105 1/36 143/8661 0.4515037155 0.5792878 0.5604564 10000 106 1/36 143/8661 0.4515037155 0.5792878 0.5604564 10000 107 1/36 148/8661 0.4629995035 0.5839587 0.5649755 10000 108 1/36 154/8661 0.4764854764 0.5839587 0.5649755 10000 109 2/36 384/8661 0.4785672656 0.5839587 0.5649755 10000/10023 110 1/36 156/8661 0.4809071875 0.5839587 0.5649755 10062 111 1/36 156/8661 0.4809071875 0.5839587 0.5649755 10000 112 1/36 156/8661 0.4809071875 0.5839587 0.5649755 10000 113 1/36 159/8661 0.4874717491 0.5866917 0.5676196 10059 114 1/36 162/8661 0.4939555715 0.5891107 0.5699600 10000 115 1/36 166/8661 0.5024767398 0.5891107 0.5699600 10000 116 1/36 166/8661 0.5024767398 0.5891107 0.5699600 10000 117 1/36 170/8661 0.5108583424 0.5911761 0.5719583 10092 118 1/36 171/8661 0.5129321971 0.5911761 0.5719583 10000 119 1/36 174/8661 0.5191026010 0.5932601 0.5739746 10023 120 1/36 180/8661 0.5312162443 0.6020451 0.5824740 10000 121 1/36 192/8661 0.5545599913 0.6224108 0.6021776 10000 122 1/36 194/8661 0.5583391153 0.6224108 0.6021776 10000 123 1/36 203/8661 0.5749629253 0.6294881 0.6090249 10000 124 1/36 203/8661 0.5749629253 0.6294881 0.6090249 10000 125 1/36 205/8661 0.5785736304 0.6294881 0.6090249 10000 126 1/36 210/8661 0.5874704184 0.6316572 0.6111234 10000 127 1/36 212/8661 0.5909777687 0.6316572 0.6111234 10000 128 2/36 476/8661 0.5962584782 0.6316572 0.6111234 10010/10023 129 1/36 217/8661 0.5996197860 0.6316572 0.6111234 10084 130 1/36 222/8661 0.6080841784 0.6316572 0.6111234 10000 131 1/36 223/8661 0.6097560553 0.6316572 0.6111234 10000 132 1/36 225/8661 0.6130790328 0.6316572 0.6111234 10000 133 1/36 236/8661 0.6308694543 0.6450996 0.6241289 10000 134 1/36 301/8661 0.7208510399 0.7316100 0.7078270 10000 135 1/36 331/8661 0.7548048508 0.7603960 0.7356772 10000 136 1/36 367/8661 0.7902731826 0.7902732 0.7645832 10022 Count 1 3 2 4 3 4 4 2 5 2 6 3 7 3 8 2 9 3 10 3 11 2 12 2 13 1 14 2 15 2 16 3 17 1 18 2 19 2 20 2 21 2 22 1 23 2 24 2 25 2 26 1 27 2 28 1 29 2 30 2 31 1 32 2 33 2 34 1 35 2 36 2 37 2 38 2 39 1 40 1 41 1 42 2 43 2 44 1 45 1 46 1 47 2 48 1 49 2 50 1 51 1 52 1 53 1 54 1 55 1 56 1 57 1 58 1 59 1 60 1 61 1 62 1 63 2 64 1 65 2 66 1 67 1 68 1 69 1 70 1 71 1 72 1 73 1 74 1 75 1 76 1 77 1 78 1 79 1 80 1 81 1 82 1 83 1 84 1 85 1 86 1 87 2 88 1 89 1 90 1 91 1 92 1 93 1 94 1 95 1 96 1 97 1 98 1 99 1 100 1 101 1 102 2 103 1 104 2 105 1 106 1 107 1 108 1 109 2 110 1 111 1 112 1 113 1 114 1 115 1 116 1 117 1 118 1 119 1 120 1 121 1 122 1 123 1 124 1 125 1 126 1 127 1 128 2 129 1 130 1 131 1 132 1 133 1 134 1 135 1 136 1 ID Description GeneRatio BgRatio 1 map00591 Linoleic acid metabolism 3/17 28/4457 2 map00590 Arachidonic acid metabolism 4/17 79/4457 3 map04726 Serotonergic synapse 2/17 42/4457 4 map04270 Vascular smooth muscle contraction 1/17 16/4457 5 map04148 Efferocytosis 1/17 21/4457 6 map04913 Ovarian steroidogenesis 1/17 24/4457 7 map04750 Inflammatory mediator regulation of TRP channels 1/17 35/4457 8 map00592 alpha-Linolenic acid metabolism 1/17 44/4457 9 map00120 Primary bile acid biosynthesis 1/17 47/4457 10 map00061 Fatty acid biosynthesis 1/17 58/4457 pvalue p.adjust qvalue geneID Count 1 0.0001424087 0.0009132264 0.0006729037 C14829/C14766/C14762 3 2 0.0001826453 0.0009132264 0.0006729037 C14810/C14772/C14768/C14717 4 3 0.0107804153 0.0359347178 0.0264782131 C14772/C14768 2 4 0.0594096863 0.1464220340 0.1078899198 C14768 1 5 0.0772831165 0.1464220340 0.1078899198 C15519 1 6 0.0878532204 0.1464220340 0.1078899198 C14768 1 7 0.1256433428 0.1794904896 0.1322561503 C14768 1 8 0.1554613511 0.1835401448 0.1352401067 C11512 1 9 0.1651861303 0.1835401448 0.1352401067 C15519 1 10 0.1999494759 0.1999494759 0.1473311928 C08362 1