ONTOLOGY Term Count BP cellular process 2088 BP regulation of gene expression 1696 BP cellular protein metabolic process 1665 BP protein localization 1629 BP organelle organization 1570 BP RNA metabolic process 1482 BP nitrogen compound metabolic process 1446 BP regulation of transcription, DNA-templated 1232 BP cellular protein modification process 1218 BP regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II 1188 BP biological_process 1143 BP nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 1110 BP intracellular transport 1064 BP translation 1060 BP cellular protein localization 1044 BP protein-containing complex assembly 1022 BP proteolysis 963 BP protein transport 959 BP cellular protein-containing complex assembly 952 BP gene expression 936 CC cytoplasm 11124 CC intracellular membrane-bounded organelle 6251 CC nucleus 5820 CC protein-containing complex 4734 CC membrane 3393 CC mitochondrion 2850 CC cytosol 2475 CC intracellular anatomical structure 2216 CC intracellular organelle 1958 CC integral component of membrane 1750 CC endoplasmic reticulum 1705 CC plasma membrane 1639 CC ribonucleoprotein complex 1432 CC cell periphery 1206 CC cellular_component 1146 CC intrinsic component of membrane 1110 CC chromatin 1078 CC endomembrane system 924 CC membrane-bounded organelle 906 CC nuclear chromosome 812 MF catalytic activity 2384 MF hydrolase activity 1778 MF nucleic acid binding 1410 MF transferase activity 1393 MF RNA binding 1314 MF molecular_function 1021 MF DNA binding 1000 MF protein binding 1000 MF organic cyclic compound binding 664 MF nucleotide binding 660 MF ATP hydrolysis activity 595 MF ATP binding 560 MF transmembrane transporter activity 504 MF structural molecule activity 490 MF oxidoreductase activity 465 MF nucleoside-triphosphatase activity 440 MF kinase activity 424 MF metal ion binding 424 MF structural constituent of ribosome 423 MF mRNA binding 392