Call: procrustes(X = env_pca, Y = otu_pca, symmetric = TRUE) Number of objects: 15 Number of dimensions: 2 Procrustes sum of squares: 0.5807531 Procrustes root mean squared error: 0.196766 Quantiles of Procrustes errors: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max 0.05977131 0.13817863 0.16293488 0.19577458 0.37755614 Rotation matrix: [,1] [,2] [1,] -0.8459516 0.5332597 [2,] -0.5332597 -0.8459516 Translation of averages: [,1] [,2] [1,] 4.410552e-18 4.519623e-18 Scaling of target: [1] 0.6474928